Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Jumping off & I don't know where I'll land

So, apparently I am the only person in these here parts who doesn't have a blog! So, as I attempt to figure out what I am doing and attempt for the FIRST time ever to be slightly creative remember this: IF YOU POKE FUN AT ME I WILL NOT ONLY QUIT MY BLOG BUT I WILL NEVER, EVER BE OR YOUR FRIEND AGAIN!


Z said...

Hooray for Jodi!

Also, I'm having a great sale on long range walkie-talkies right now, and I know you're a bush pilot so....

Jodilyn said...

You know I would never get caught in the bush without them!

Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sharon said...

Delete Comment From: Mine, Yours & Whose?

Sharon and Lin said...
Hey Jodi,

Good for you girl!! Look at this blog - it's just adorable! I love the picture of you and Mike and the kids too are cute as ever!!

Now...let's see a picture of that gorgeous house - since I'm 2200-something miles away. OK?

Oh...and the Useless Knowledge things is way cool:-)

Love ya' tons, Sharon