Monday, October 13, 2008

I'VE BEEN TAGGED...(I think)

So, I have more Marthas and Maxines but I didn't realize how many so I will just email the rest out! I am definately a Maxine if nobody could guess. Although, I did learn alot from Martha!

I am guessing that the Jodi that Sam tagged was me? If not oh well...

8 TV shows I love to watch:
1. Law and Order: SVU
2. Dog: The Bounty Hunter
3. My Name is Earl
4. ICarly (with my kids)
5. Snapped
6. Flight 29 Down (with my kids)
7. Two and a Half Men
8. American Jail

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Oyster Bar
2. Red Lobster
3. Tepanyaki
4. Asuka
5. Chilis
6. Taco Amigo
7. China Light Cafe
8. Wingers

8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Laundry
2. Went to Church
3. Made treats to "BOO" someone in our neighborhood
4. Went to Adams Birthday party
5. Watched Football
6. Called Justice
7. Saw mom and dads pics from their trip back East
8. relaxed

8 Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Fall break from school
2. Getting my nails done
3. Justice coming home
4. Halloween
5. Schnit having her puppies (or puppy in her case)
6. Snow
7. The holidays
8. Going to bed tonight

8 Things I love about THIS fall:
1. Decorating for Halloween
2. Decorating for Thanksgiving
3. Decorating for Christmas
4. Fall cool air
5. Being in our new house for the holidays
6. Cooking on the barbeque
7. Hopefully taking the kids sledding
8. Sitting on my deck with a fire in the cold

8 Things on my wish list:
1. A cruise
2. For my family and friends to be happy & healthy
3. My kids to keep their rooms clean
4. To sell our old house
5. My renter to pay her rent on time
6. To sell Mikes moms house
7. To get Lyn over here from Australia
8. We had more time & money to travel

4 People I tag twice to make 8:

Kenzi, Lindsay, Stacy, Lanae


Stacy said...

I hadn't heard about a wedding! When's that going to be? AND I hadn't heard that Schnit was preggers again. Didn't I just see you TWICE this weekend? I'm always the last to know things! ;)

P.S. If you tagged me twice does that mean I have to think of 16 things for each category?! :)

Sharon said...

Jodi...I loves your lists! I laughed at some of the things. You are so...well...YOU!

That's what I love about you:-)

But then you already knew that.

Love, Shron