Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So, even though I thought our attempt to keep the vacation a secret had not worked out, it appears that my kids are either very good actors or we did accomplish our goal! As we drove through Benjamin I was surprised none of them had said anything yet. All of the sudden, Jaiden looks up and says, Where are we? I don't recognize anything! I told them $5 in quarters to whoever guesses and the $5 in quarters is for a reason. Of course, Kolten puts in his 2 cents and jokes, Why, cause you don't have any dollar bills? Then, he shouts out the next sign we pass-Mona? NO, I laugh but Jaiden catches on and starts looking for signs. She shortly finds the next one Las Vegas 350mi. and doubtedly asks. I shout, ding, ding, ding we have a winner! They all look and wait for the just kidding that usually follows. When it doesn't come they start screaming-seriously? We are going to Vegas? WHy? what? but we don't have any clothes! And then the screech owls start! Needless to say we had a great time! And now Bryan and Sam know all 3 of my kids! I can bet they won't ever forget the 3 of them! Thanks Bryan and Sam and Bailey of course for such a fun time! Sorry, Janice and Ferrin thanks to my three you may not be seeing any grandkids from those two anytime soon! I will post some pics tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a great time with you guys and your kids were great! I'm so glad that they loved Bailey as much as we do! You need to come back again soon!

BTW-I think Colton left his watch here. I found it behind our couch! Is it a camo Timex? Let me know & I will send it to you in the mail! :)