Monday, May 4, 2009

Shame on me!

I decided to click on the blogs today and do a little catching up. Then I realized how long it had actually been since I had been to my own blog-Feb 16 and St Patty's decor! I truely am a failure when it comes to my blog! I went through my friends, who all had at least 3-4 new posts (some more) that i haven't even read! I asked myself the question,"Do I really have nothing in my life to blog about?" Then I realized-I do I just never do it! So here is my updated blog and a once again attempt to blog more often! I am pleading with myself,"Please don't make me a 3 time failure in less than 6 months!"

1 comment:

Mindy Thomas said...

I am so glad you have a blog! It is hard to keep up on sometimes! I am now addicted so it isnt as hard anymore.