Monday, February 16, 2009

Eight already!

Today is my wonderful daughter Justice's birthday. She is turning 8 and we are very excited for her. Although I didn't become her mom until she was 3 1/2 I couldn't imagine my life without her. She has grown and changed into a spectacular girl over the past 4 years. I am very proud of her and the accomplishments she has made and the things she has overcome. She is loving school, her friends and the church, she will be baptized next month. She is finally "big" enough to get her ears pierced, so here is the new "grown up" JJ. I love you Justice!


Stacy said...

Happy Birthday, Justice! Love the pierced ears; you look beautiful!!

Jaime said...

she looks so cute in this picture! beautiful girl!

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday Justice!!

You are so darling. I really miss visiting you and your family since I haven't been in Utah for over a year.

Hope you have a great year. I'll come and see you when I get home from our mission in a few months.

Love, Sharon